Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Who am I?

Alex has a keen enthusiasm for sport. He is a reliable consistent team player. He, to date, has never been the best player but he always is there, he always tries his hardest, both in games and at training. Alex is aware of the meaning of team and has a good attitude towards his team mates, the opposition and the umpire/referee, that being one of respect. Alex has tried a number of sports and is willing to persevere and practice to improve his skills, at times whilst enduring mocking form others; this takes great strength of character and dedication.
            -Alexander Gaggin, Longtime Team mate and friend.

Alex Would be one of the most determined, coachable and enthusiastic students i have come across.
He listens to advice and is committed to improving in whatever area, task or challenge he faces when it comes to sporting activities.
He is the ultimate team player and is always prepared to put the team before himself.
Alex will work extremely hard to improve his skills in whatever activity he decides to take on.
Another strength for Alex is that he consistently finds extra time to work individually on improving aspects of the sport in which he is participating.
            -Richard Lakeland, former coach and teacher.

Alex Licht is a very energetic and positive member within the cricket club. His understanding of not only the game of cricket but the duties and mentality to play the game is exceptional. Alex possesses leadership skills of the highest quality which will blossom within the years to come.
             -Sean Turale, Team mate, captain and coach, Fmr. President of the Somerset Strikers Cricket Club, Longtime friend and mentor.

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